The right answer

How do I do right by my child?

How do I know the decisions I’m making are the right ones?

Aren’t we always asking these questions? We should be! Man, are they difficult to answer though. How are you supposed to know what the right answer is?

We are attempting to potty train right now and neither Zach nor I have any knowledge on the subject. Sure, we get advice from parents and friends, which of course we appreciate; but every child, every situation is different. That is probably one of the toughest things about parenting, knowing that it’s not cookie cutter, no two situations are the same, no two children are the same.

I feel so blessed to be Kennedie’s mother in so many ways; I think she was heaven sent to us for a specific reason, or several! I also think that she is here to teach us and continue teaching us well into adulthood. It’s not just about how and what we teach them.

We have to try different things to teach them how to: go to the potty, tie their shoes, put on their pants. I certainly am not complaining either! I love it. Kennedie is incredibly observant and generally picks up on things easily but then there are some things, like potty training for example, that is just not clicking. Again, that is okay! She should be learning how to do this in a way that makes sense to her; which I think the public school system is failing at (but that is a conversation for another day). It is our job as parents to determine what that is, but as long as we’re trying, then I believe we’re doing right by them!

We are so worried about making mistakes or doing something the wrong way, but really, we should be teaching our kids that is okay! Everyone makes mistakes, it’s how you address it; how you can correct it. Apologizing is key; tell them you were wrong, show them that it doesn’t just happen to them, we all make mistakes.

I am also a firm believer that the environment they’re in, the things they witness and hear can absolutely affect their psyche. We try to be very conscious of the conversations we have in front of her because there are just some things that toddlers don’t need to hear, am I right? Knowing to keep an eye on things like that I think really is a great start to doing right by them. I understand the toxicity in this world, I know that you can’t keep children from all of the evil but at the same time, we should try, at least for a short while. Let them have their innocence. We know what is happening in this world and we were chosen to be their protectors.

Really I think the point that I’m making is that we need to try. That’s it. They deserve for us to try our best to help them grow up into a beautiful human being, capable of moving mountains!

4 thoughts on “The right answer”

  1. Agreed. Try to do what’s best for them as the special individuals they are! Kennedie is a smartie and she will learn all she needs in her own way and time. 🙂

  2. Becky shuster

    Parenting is so challenging. That’s so Many aspects of it that are so hard. Potty training being one of them. She’s young still and if she is not interested it’s cool!! Madi was 3 and that was ok!’ You guys are such good parents. Love you my friend

    1. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. We are having troubles with listening these days.
      She is doing okay with potty training here and there but I don’t want to push and make her hate it! Oh yeah!
      Awe thank you so much, so are you 💜 love you!

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